Wednesday 20 July 2016

Racial Segregation a degradation of Humanity

For long I have seen, watched and observed from the sideline, activities of racism and all manner of discrimination by different individuals justifying themselves as the superior race and sex from others. Over the years I have realized that all these parties have one character in common, "greed" and this eventually culminates into developing inhumane characters that such people end up either serial killers and murderers, or perpetual law offenders of some sorts. Because if an individual puts away all greed, it is so obvious that they will wish others what they have and can actually give it away and remain with nothing being comforted by self satisfaction that breeds peace at heart. Most hurting of course is the fact that the oppressed are always victims of circumstances, finding themselves in places they never wished themselves to be. The blacks in the USA, Europe and Asia did not force their presence on the whites, but are rather victims of circumstances, not withstanding the fact that taking an example of the USA, the whites were driven there by the greed for conquest.
But taking one's life for own benefit should not be accepted in any society and should be punishable. Lawmakers should not just talk about it and then sit back and enjoy their pensions because "Segregation a degradation of Humanity"

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